Golden Chick delivered to your door
Golden Chick Delivery & Locations in Castroville
App/Online Exclusive Offers
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
Golden Combos
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
Wicked Wings
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
By The Piece
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
Kids Meal
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
Family Meals
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)
Party Paks
From Golden Chick (415 US Highway 90 East)