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Albertsons Beer, Wine & Spirits

xDelivery bag remove Entrega no disponible 1268 Madera Rd, Simi Valley, CA 93065

Audubon Park Critter Crunch Wild Bird & Critter Food (5 lbs)

5 lbs

Attracts a variety of wildlife & larger birds. For use in platform or table feeders. Bringing the Audubon experience to your backyard. Attracts: chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, deer, jays, quail, woodpeckers, chickadees, and others. Thank you for choosing Audubon Park for your wild bird needs. Audubon Park is recognized by millions of backyard birders as the leading producer of quality wild bird food and wild animal products. We're proud to provide you with consistent products you can trust. Keeping it Friendly: Dealing with overcrowding at your feeders and unwanted guests doesn't have to be a hassle. Using different types of feeders for different types of birds will help keep your backyard friends from fighting. Adding a critter feeder for squirrels and chipmunks will help reduce competition among your backyard friends. For use with these type of feeders. Find out which products birds in your neighborhood like best. Use your phone or visit to learn more. Made in USA.

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Ingredientes: Corn, Black Oil Sunflower Seed, Peanuts, Whole Peanuts Contiene: Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Wheat, Fish, Soybeans

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