Josh Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine (750 ml)
Josh Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon (750 ml) is recognized as the inaugural wine from its brand, setting a benchmark for its other varietals. Characterized as round and juicy, this wine offers a complex flavor palette that includes blackberry, toasted hazelnut, and cinnamon, enriched with complementary hints of vanilla and toasted oak. Ideal for pairing with robust, well-seasoned meats such as beef, pork, or lamb, it also complements indulgent chocolate desserts. The aroma captivates with intense dark fruits, cinnamon, clove, and a touch of subtle oak, while the palate is delighted by notes of black cherries and blackberries. It concludes with a long finish marked by soft, round tannins. • Alcohol by volume: 13.5% • 0 • Packaging: Reusable
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