New KumSung 금성
4.3 x (500+) • Korean • Asian • BBQ • $ • Info
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4007 149th Pl, Flushing, NY 11354
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10:00 AM - 9:30 PM
Featured items
Combo Set 세트 메뉴
Main Dishes 식사류
Korean Style BBQ 바베큐
Naeng Myeon (Noodle in Cold Broth) 냉면
Kalguksu 칼국수
Side Dishes 안주류
What is the address of New KumSung 금성 in Queens?
New KumSung 금성 is located at: 4007 149th Pl , Flushing
Is the menu for New KumSung 금성 available online?
Yes, you can access the menu for New KumSung 금성 online on Postmates. Follow the link to see the full menu available for delivery and pickup.
What are the most popular items on the New KumSung 금성 menu?
The most ordered items from New KumSung 금성 are: Denjang Jjigae + LA Galbi Set 된장 찌개 + LA 갈비 세트 大酱汤 + LA排骨,Steamed Dumplings 찐만두 饺子,Mul Naeng Myeon + LA Galbi Set 물냉면 + LA 갈비 세트 冷面 + LA排骨 .
Does New KumSung 금성 offer delivery in Queens?
Yes, New KumSung 금성 offers delivery in Queens via Postmates. Enter your delivery address to see if you are within the New KumSung 금성 delivery radius, then place your order.
Can I get free delivery from New KumSung 금성?
Delivery fees for New KumSung 금성 vary. Just enter your delivery address to see the delivery fee for your location. You could always get free delivery from New KumSung 금성 with Postmates Unlimited.
Can I pick up my order from New KumSung 금성?
Postmates offers pickup from many restaurants in your city. To see if you can pick up your order from New KumSung 금성, add items to your cart and look for the ‘pickup’ option at checkout.
Can I schedule a delivery order from New KumSung 금성?
Some restaurants on Postmates allow you to schedule a delivery to show up at your location when you want it. At checkout, look for the option to select a delivery time. If it’s there, that means you can schedule your delivery from New KumSung 금성.