Empress Original Indigo Dry Gin 1908 Wine (750 ml)
Gin coloured with butterfly pea flower. Handmade. Small batch. Extraordinary flavour. Gluten free. Empress 1908 delights the senses with its balanced citrus-and-spice palette, brilliant colour, light floral fragrance and sofr texture. Handcrafted using eight botanicals, including vibrant butterfly pea blossom, the combination of exquisite taste, belicate aroma and remarkable presentation provide a new aesthetic of cocktail creation. Coloured with butterfly pea flower. empressgin.com. For cocktails & curiosities please visit empressgin.com. 42.5 % Alc/vol. 85 Proudly distilled and bottled in Canada by Victoria Distillers, British Columbia. Product of Canada. Alcohol by volume: 42.5%
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