Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ
4.5 x (140+) • Latin American • Mexican • Vegetarian • Healthy • $ • Info
x Delivered by store staff
4509 Bergenline Ave, Union City, NJ 07087
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x $0 delivery fee
new customers
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to see delivery time
6:10 AM - 8:40 PM • Desayunos
6:10 AM - 8:30 PM • Menú
6:10 AM - 8:30 PM • Merienda
Featured items
Más Populares / Most Popular
Desayunos/ Breakfasts
Aperitivos/ Appetizers
Carnes / Meats
Pollos / Chicken
Pescados y Mariscos / Seafood
Ensaladas/ Salads
Sándwichs/ Sandwichs
Todos Los Dias / Everyday
Lunes / Monday
Martes / Tuesday
Miércoles / Wednesday
Jueves / Thursday
Viernes / Friday
Fin de Semana / Weekends
Ordenes Extras/ Extra Orders
Batidos/ Shakes
Jugos Naturales/ Natural Juices
Bebidas Frías/ Cold Drinks
Bebidas Caliente / Hot Beverages
Postres / Desserts
Picadera Mixta Familiar/ Mix Meats Family Plate
What is the address of Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ in Union City?
Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ is located at: 4509 Bergenline Ave , Union City
Is the menu for Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ available online?
Yes, you can access the menu for Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ online on Postmates. Follow the link to see the full menu available for delivery and pickup.
What are the most popular items on the Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ menu?
The most ordered items from Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ are: #2. - 2 Huevos Fritos o Revueltos con Jamón / 2 Fried or Scrambled Eggs w/ Ham,Sándwich de Jamón y Queso / Ham and Cheese Sandwich.
Does Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ offer delivery in Union City?
Yes, Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ offers delivery in Union City via Postmates. Enter your delivery address to see if you are within the Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ delivery radius, then place your order.
Can I get free delivery from Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ?
Delivery fees for Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ vary. Just enter your delivery address to see the delivery fee for your location. You could always get free delivery from Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ with Postmates Unlimited.
Can I pick up my order from Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ?
Postmates offers pickup from many restaurants in your city. To see if you can pick up your order from Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ, add items to your cart and look for the ‘pickup’ option at checkout.
Can I schedule a delivery order from Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ?
Some restaurants on Postmates allow you to schedule a delivery to show up at your location when you want it. At checkout, look for the option to select a delivery time. If it’s there, that means you can schedule your delivery from Las Americas Cafe - Union City, NJ.