Ritual Proof Whiskey Alternative (750 ml)
Ritual Zero Proof Whiskey Alternative offers a non-alcoholic option to traditional whiskey, formulated for mixology, enabling the creation of various cocktails without the inclusion of alcohol. With only 5 calories per serving, it provides a choice for those seeking to moderate their intake while enjoying the familiar flavors associated with whiskey, such as oak, smoke, caramel, and a touch of warmth. The beverage boasts natural flavors, including vanilla and stone fruit, complemented by sugar floss for a balanced taste. Recognized for its quality, it has received a Silver certification with a score of 85/100 from the Beverage Testing Institute. This whiskey alternative is versatile and can be used in a range of non-alcoholic beverages, from classic cocktails like an old fashioned or Manhattan to simple serves with soda or juice. • Brand: Ritual • Tasting notes: apple, balanced, caramel, light, oak, pepper, smoky, smooth, stone fruit, vanilla • Food pairing: beef, cheese - blue, cheese - hard aged, cheese - stinky, fruit - dried, lamb, mushrooms, nuts, pasta, pork
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