Location and hours
9800 Grand Verde Way, #404, Boca Raton, FL 33428
Sunday - Friday | ||
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM | ||
Saturday | ||
8:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
@flowers West Boca
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Sunday - Friday
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Always Valentines Day Specials
Themed Arrangements
- Celebration Arrangement in a Vase$65.00This vibrant arrangement adds a celebratory feel to all events and festivities. Picture represents the large version of this arrangement. Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order!
- Birthday Arrangement in a Vase$65.00A birthday arrives but once a year, and there’s no better way to brighten someone’s day than with this fun and bright arrangement. Picture represents the large version of this arrangement. Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Romance Arrangement in a Vase$65.00For love at every stage in your romance, this tantalizing display of affection sets the mood for an intimate evening. Picture represents the large version of this arrangement. Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Anniversary Arrangement in a Vase$65.00Mark the occasion with a grand flourish of gratitude for the past and excitement for the future. Picture represents the large version of this arrangement. Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Sympathy Arrangement in a Vase$65.00This elegant and artful arrangement extends comfort to those closest to our hearts in their time of need. Picture represents the large version of this arrangement. Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Seasonal Arrangement in a vase$65.00Match your home and office design to the natural world with a splash of seasonal variety. Picture represents the large version of this arrangement. Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Deluxe Arrangement in a Vase$250.00An extravagant luxurious arrangement of seasonal flowers.
Color Palette Bouquets for Your Own Vase
- Array of Roses Wrapped Bouquet$75.00Whether just for you or the love of your life, the array of roses bouquet brings love, joy, and beauty to any situation.
- Vibrant Primary Colors Wrapped Bouquet$55.00The colors of the rainbow in all of their showiest tones. Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Soft Pastels Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Delicate, soft-hued blossoms that look as silky as they feel. Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- White, Ivory, Cream, and Beige Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Burgundy, Violet, Jade, and Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- White, Blue, and Purple Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Yellow, Orange, Red, and Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
Individual Stems or Create a Bundle
- Rose$10.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.
- Tulip$8.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.