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1057 N 21st Ave, Hollywood, FL 33020
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@flowers Hollywood Florida (Operated by The Flower Choice)
• Flowers • florist • Gift Store • $ • Info
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Monday - Friday
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
@flowers Hollywood Florida Specials
- Wood and Roses$68.95This unique and stunning display provides a contemporary spin on the traditional twelve. The
perfect gift for expressing love, celebrating a special occasion, or simply showing someone,
they are on your mind, it's a thoughtful present enclosed in a wooden cube. - Petal Delights$185.00Petal Delights features a striking bouquet of 36 roses, with a stunning combination of one dozen
pristine white roses and two vibrant red roses. Its balanced composition and elegant
presentation make it the perfect choice for expressing love, appreciation, or celebrating a
special occasion. - Just Assorted Roses$69.99This premium bouquet of assorted roses, carefully arranged by our skilled florists, is the perfect
addition to any special occasion. Due to local availability, the colors of the roses may vary,
ensuring a unique and stunning display. The bouquet is available in 1 dozen and 18-stem
options, featuring a classic glass vase and fresh gypsophila. - Day One White Roses$89.99Elevate any event with our exquisite, handcrafted arrangement of high-quality long-
stemmed white roses. These elegant flowers make a timeless gift for those who appreciate
enduring beauty. Our experienced florists meticulously curate the freshest and finest roses,
expertly arranged with fresh gypsophila in a traditional glass vase. Place your order today and
amaze a cherished recipient with this unforgettable present. - Modern Square Vase$75.00The Modern Square Vase boasts a modern medium floral design in a clear cube vase, perfect
for showcasing your roses for any occasion. Choose from 18, or 24 roses to create a romantic
or thoughtful gift, tailored to your personal preference.
Themed Arrangements
- Celebration Arrangement in a vase$65.00This vibrant arrangement adds a celebratory feel to all events and festivities!
-- Picture represents the Large version of this arrangement --
Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order! - Birthday Arrangement in a vase$65.00A birthday arrives but once a year, and there’s no better way to brighten someone’s day than with this fun and bright arrangement!
-- Picture represents the Large version of this arrangement --
Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order! - Romance Arrangement in a vase$65.00For love at every stage in your romance, this tantalizing display of affection sets the mood for an intimate evening.
-- Picture represents the Large version of this arrangement --
Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order! - Anniversary Arrangement in a vase$65.00Mark the occasion with a grand flourish of gratitude for the past & excitement for the future.
-- Picture represents the Large version of this arrangement --
Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order! - Seasonal Arrangement in a vase$65.00Match your home and office design to the natural world with a splash of seasonal variety!
-- Picture represents the Large version of this arrangement --
Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order! - 3 Roses Bouquet$35.00Beautiful 3 Stem premium roses bouquet red
- Ultimate Elegance™ Long Stem Assorted Roses$117.99Our rainbow of long stem roses is the ultimate surprise for letting someone know how you feel. Two, three or four dozen blooms in a of stunning array of colors are artistically arranged by our expert florists inside an elegant glass vase and personally hand-delivered to help you beautifully express what’s in your heart.
- Dozen Red Roses$75.00When it comes to red roses, we're talking about the timeless symbol of love and passion. Our one dozen red roses are the epitome of romance, carefully arranged to convey your deepest emotions. Each velvety petal whispers words of love, making it the perfect gesture for anniversaries, special dates, or just to say "I love you." With Flower Choice, you're not just giving flowers; you're gifting a classic expression of heartfelt affection. Send a dozen red roses and let the romance blossom.
Color Palette Bouquets for Your Own Vase
- Vibrant Primary Colors Wrapped Bouquet$55.00The colors of the rainbow in all of their showiest tones.
Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order! - Soft Pastels Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Delicate, soft-hued blossoms that look as silky as they feel.
Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order! - White, Ivory, Cream, Beige Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order!
- Burgundy, Violet, Jade Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order!
- Yellow, Orange, Red Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Seasonal options may vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order!
- Fall Themed Wrapped Bouquet$55.00Our Fall Bouquet bring seasonal colors, warmth and scents to your home. This Item is available until November 30th
** Picture represents the Large version of this arrangement/Seasonal options will vary throughout the year and depending on location. Our florist will provide the best available flowers for your order.**
Individual Stems or Create a Bundle